Cisco Makes Public Its Cloud Controls Framework For Security Requirements

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cloud security framework

GDPR is of concern for you if you are storing data on any customers from the European Union. These laws require data holders to be able to easily access and delete data upon request from the consumer, which means it is essential for you to understand where specific data resides. Not only do they offer customers a strategy for securing their cloud use, but they also help Cloud Service Platforms communicate best practices to their customers. The scale of the cloud allows for exponential growth, meaning the complexity of environments only grows. Other challenges include the reality of rapid and sometimes unplanned cloud migration.

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The cloud provides increased flexibility for businesses in today’s digital world, but the transition to cloud services has changed the nature of security. Old rules based on trusted on-premises perimeters are no longer relevant, and security teams must apply new standards to ensure compliance with data regulations and security best practices. These frameworks offer a roadmap for organizations shifting from a traditional on-premises approach, to a cloud-focused approach, by providing policies, tools, configurations, and rules needed for secure cloud use. Cloud providers often dedicate greater resources and budget to ensure that their core systems are as secure as possible and regularly update these systems in response to potential security threats as it is their primary business.

cloud security framework

If you are a SaaS provider that processes Personally Identifiable Information, you should consider complying with this standard. They offer a helpful baseline for cloud customers to assess providers or compare security measures between providers. They can be used by service providers to show their security practices, as a component of their sales narrative, or to help with pre-engagement vetting. The more prescriptive and specific the controls in the framework are, the more useful they are in evaluations. In reviewing these third-party attestations, it is important that you consider they are generally specific to a certain cloud service and may also be specific to a certain data center or geographic region.

Key Components Of A Cloud Compliance Framework

Cloud compliance frameworks provide the guidelines and structure necessary for maintaining the level of security your customers demand. Additionally, these frameworks will help you navigate a regulatory minefield and avoid the steep financial and reputational cost of non-compliance. Most importantly, implementing a compliance framework will allow your organization to verify your commitment to privacy and data protection.

cloud security framework

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We offer a cloud-native solution to bring your security events under control and streamline security surveillance. This level of visibility coupled with proactive threat hunting has allowed CrowdStrike to detect subtle, nearly imperceptible behaviors with uncanny accuracy, such as an incident in which an adversary was probing for the existence of certain S3 buckets. Those buckets were not publicly accessible, and they were named in a way that made using brute force impossible, which prompted CrowdStrike analysts to investigate how the adversary could have obtained a list of the S3 buckets. Limit the attack surface by continually searching for and removing applications or workloads that are not needed to run the business. Cloud Workload Protection Platform oversees runtime protection and continuous vulnerability management of cloud containers. NIST and CIS developed cyber best practices to help you manage risk and make better decisions.

Why Is Cloud Compliance Important?

However, there are limits to external help, and at a certain point, responsibility lies in the organization at hand to take control over their security practices. Cloud security frameworks provide information to the broader industry about security measures that are applicable to cloud environments. Like any security framework, these include a set of controls with specific guidance about controls , control management, validation and other information related to securing a cloud use case. If public cloud services are in your IT mix, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a great way to evaluate security needs and develop a robust security strategy.

However, traditional network, application and infrastructure security measures typically do not protect cloud-based applications, thus making them vulnerable to a host of cyberattacks during development. The path to security in the cloud is not much different than the path to security for internal systems. By implementing the right technical and administrative security controls, enterprises can keep their data safe and their applications running smoothly. As you face challenges with your current cloud services you need to look for a robust enterprise solution to securing your data. The CyCloud platform provides that solution as the practical implementation that is in a full alignment with the NIST – FedRAMP HIGH framework for enterprises.

cloud security framework

It should also account for third party feed ingestion, such as vulnerability data, to enrich your risk models then apply automated risk scoring to prioritize your resource risk. As such, organizations must develop the tools, technologies and systems to inventory and monitor all cloud applications, workloads and other assets. They should also remove any assets not needed by the business in order to limit the attack surface. CSPM is used for risk visualization and assessment, incident response, compliance monitoring and DevOps integration, and can uniformly apply best practices for cloud security to hybrid, multi-cloud and container environments.

Ultimately, this will help your compliance team save time gathering evidence to verify the operating effectiveness of internal controls so compliance and security leaders can spend more time on controls testing. Hyperproof also has a Crosswalks feature that clearly identifies the overlapping requirement areas across multiple security frameworks. This allows you to leverage your existing compliance efforts to achieve certification in additional frameworks faster. Hyperproof’s compliance solution provides analytics and dashboards to run a continuous monitoring program to verify your compliance status and drive remediation efforts. Cloud compliance is the principle that cloud-delivered systems need to be compliant with the standards their customers require.

System And Organization Controls Soc Reporting

Data loss prevention services offer a set of tools and services designed to ensure the security of regulated cloud data. DLP solutions use a combination of remediation alerts, data encryption, and other preventative measures to protect all stored data, whether at rest or in motion. How to use the NIST framework for cloud security Aligning the NIST Cybersecurity Framework with cloud services such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud can improve cloud security. They reduce work for the customer in that these controls can form the basis for an evaluation checklist or set of evaluation criteria as described above, which in turn limits the need for an organization to develop such a list.

  • Others cannot distinguish real risk from normal operations, which produces a number of false alarms for the IT team to investigate.
  • The distribution of responsibilities between the cloud service provider and customer also varies based on the nature of the cloud service .
  • This is primarily a financial requirement, but it does impact IT because security is responsible for storing the data that is referenced in the law.
  • Striving to fit in with one often goes a long way toward achieving compatibility with the other.

Pods provide highly configurable, flexible workloads that can be scaled and orchestrated from a central control plane, while enforcing isolation of each workload. The scale and interoperability requirements of 5G cloud components makes securely configuring Pods a challenging but important ongoing effort. A strong Pod security posture leverages containerization technology to harden the deployed application, protects interactions between Pods, and detects malicious/anomalous activity within the cluster.


Monitoring the security posture of thousands of ephemeral cloud entities is a task well beyond human reach – so your platform should do it for you. To get you started, let’s look at the five top-level CSF functions and identify some of the unique issues you’ll face when applying them to your public cloud implementation. Visibility is a common theme for each area, and it’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Sanjay Kalra is co-founder and CPO at Lacework, leading the company’s product strategy, drawing on more than 20 years of success and innovation in the cloud, networking, analytics, and security industries. Prior to Lacework, Sanjay was GM of the Application Services Group at Guavus, where he guided the company to market leadership and a successful exit.

CSPMs deliver continuous compliance monitoring, configuration drift prevention and security operations center investigations. In addition to monitoring the current state of the infrastructure, the CSPM also creates a policy that defines the desired state of the infrastructure and then ensures that all network activity supports that policy. Organizations are encouraged to deploy all three security methods to optimize their cloud security infrastructure. The guidance provides several aspects of pod security including limiting permissions on deployed containers, avoiding resource contention and denial of service attacks, and implementing real time threat detection. A prioritized set of 20 critical actions that can help protect you from known cyberattack vectors, categorized by basic, foundational, and organizational controls. Get in-depth guidance on designing and implementing a successful and secure cloud strategy by using an Enterprise Cloud Security Framework.

For example, the comprehensive access control that Cloud providers offer is difficult to replicate on-premise given the tools, infrastructure investments, and large teams required. Therefore, rather than fearing whether the cloud is secure, it’s best to ask cloud providers what they offer in terms of security and compare their cloud security strategy to your own to make sure their strategy meets your requirements. While cloud service providers have a variety of cloud security services and tools to safeguard a customer’s applications and networks, in-house administrators must put in place the right security measures. When organizations migrate sensitive information and applications to the cloud, users access data and apps remotely. As a result, administrators also need to put in place appropriate cloud-based user access controls.

After considerable research, CrowdStrike intelligence sources surmised that the adversary was probably pulling S3 bucket names from sampled DNS request data they had gathered from multiple public feeds. The lesson here is that the adversary sometimes has more knowledge of and visibility into an organization’s cloud footprint than you might think. Every cloud-based application or workload expands the organization’s attack surface, creating more avenues of entry for would-be attackers. The CCF was developed as the foundational methodology to accelerate certification achievements across Cisco’s cloud offerings and to help companies establish a strong security baseline. According to Cisco, the CCF offers a structured, “build-once-use-many” approach for achieving the broadest range of international, national, and regional certifications.

In modern-day enterprises, there has been a growing transition to cloud-based environments and IaaS, Paas, or SaaS computing models. The dynamic nature of infrastructure management, especially in scaling applications and services, can bring a number of challenges to enterprises when adequately resourcing their departments. These as-a-service models give organizations the ability to offload many of the time-consuming, IT-related tasks. Sonrai Security is a one-stop-shop for cloud security, offering several integrated solutions into one platform valuable to any industry, be it healthcare, banking or government. This includes identity management, data security, and more, but when compliance is the matter at hand, CSPM shines. Understanding the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix and CSA CAIQ Uncover how the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix and CSA CAIQ can be used to assess cloud providers’ controls and risk models, ensure cloud compliance and more.

Cybersecurity Framework

Misconfigurations can include leaving default administrative passwords in place, or not creating appropriate privacy settings. Regulatory compliance management is oftentimes a source of confusion for enterprises using public or hybrid cloud deployments. Overall accountability for data privacy and security still rests with the enterprise, and heavy reliance on third-party solutions to manage this component can lead to costly compliance issues.

What Is Cloud Security Compliance?

Enterprises should have a comprehensive cloud security strategy that encompasses the processes and mechanisms that can be used to control the security, compliance, and other risks of cloud computing. For enterprises in regulated industries such as Healthcare, Insurance, or Financial Services, you should have a security framework that aligns with corresponding regulatory compliance changes. PCI DSS, HIPAA, GLBA, GDPR, and other region-specific regulations demand enterprises to follow stringent security rules for handling sensitive customer data like PHI, PII, PFI, etc. Though adhering to regulations and staying compliant is a demanding business requirement for many organizations, it can successfully be achieved with an efficient security and governance framework. It is a common misconception that the applications and data hosted on a set of servers on-premise are more secure than on the cloud. For enterprises that already have an in-house IT team, on-premise security might prove optimal.

This overachiever’s set of standards may be the best asset for customers looking to assess a vendor’s commitment to security, and a must for all organizations looking to cement customer trust. Further, The STAR registry documents the security and privacy controls provided by popular cloud computing offerings, so cloud customers can assess their security providers to make good purchasing decisions. Adhering to these frameworks is essential for avoiding fines as well as protecting your data from a costly breach and loss of consumer confidence. RH-ISAC members have access to a community of over 200 fellow retailers with experience implementing cloud security frameworks. Membership can extend your team’s capabilities and provide valuable advice to simplify cloud compliance. When deciding the best approach to cloud security, qualifiers should include the compliance standards applicable to an organization’s industry and the type of data it’s required to protect.

The list is by no means complete, and you should keep in mind that there may be alternative standards that are more relevant for your industry area. As companies continue to migrate to the cloud, understanding the security requirements for keeping data safe has become critical. While third-party cloud computing providers may take on the management of this infrastructure, the responsibility of data asset security and accountability doesn’t necessarily shift along with it.

As mentioned, one of the reasons to consider these particular frameworks is their supporting assurance programs. For the ISO/IEC standard, CSPs can certify to that as they can with any ISO management system standards. CSA has its Consensus Cloud Application Security Testing Assessment Initiative Questionnaire, built on CCM, and its STAR registry, which certifies validation of adherence. The framework CSPs should favor is the one that is likely to get the most traction and be most recognized among customers.

The ISO standard was created to assist enterprises in protecting sensitive data by best practices. HIPAA-regulated organizations need risk analyses and risk management strategies to mitigate threats to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the essential health data they manage. If you run an online business or provide a service, you are responsible for keeping your critical data and apps safe in the cloud. With the ever-changing threat landscape, cloud security can be a challenging endeavor.

Some best practices include monitoring root accounts, using MFA, using role based access, following least privilege, and much more. With a multitude of frameworks available including those of governance , architecture , management standards and NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework, what constitutes ‘best’ lies within the goal of the organization. Others that are higher in specialization best appropriate depending on specific use cases include HITRUST’s Common Security Framework, among others. The CCM v4 Implementation Guidelines provides structured guidance on how to use the CCM and provides support to users on how to implement the CCM controls. For each control it includes more detailed instructions around what the cloud provider should do. Adopting and using a cloud security framework is a relatively straightforward process, but it does vary a bit depending on whether you are a customer or CSP.

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